
How Long Does Registered Mail Take To Travel Between The United States And El Salvado?

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Country Atmospheric condition for Mailing - El Salvador

Prohibitions (130)

Coins; banknotes; currency notes; securities payable to bearer; traveler's checks; manufactured and unmanufactured platinum, gold, and silver; precious stones; jewelry; and other valuable articles.

Gambling equipment.

Perishable infectious biological substances.

Radioactive materials.

Unstamped cigarette paper.


Cigarettes must have the words "Importacion a Republic of el salvador" printed or stamped on each packet.


1. Letter-post items may non contain dutiable articles.

2. Commercial invoices are required for all commercial shipments regardless of value and for souvenir parcels valued at $50 or more. No invoices are required for gift shipments valued at less than $fifty.

three. For all shipments valued at $50 or more, the sender should submit to a Salvadoran consulate copies of the commercial invoice in the course prescribed past the Salvadoran regulations. The consulate returns 2 legalized copies to the sender, who should mail them to the addressee direct, not enclosed in the bundle.

4. For commercial shipments valued at less than $50, 3 copies of the invoice (which need not exist legalized) should be mailed directly to the addressee.

5. Certificates of origin are required only if exemption from or modification of customs duty is claimed nether a trade agreement.

half dozen. Salvadoran consuls are located in principal cities of the United states of america.

Customs Forms Required (123)
Letter-post: PS Form 2976 or 2976-A (encounter 123.61)
Bundle Mail service: PS Form 2976-A inside 2976-E (envelope)

Size Limits
Letter-mail service: Run across 243.two
Package Mail service: Maximum length: 42 inches
Maximum length and girth combined: 79 inches

Postcards and Postal Cards (250) $0.75

Aerogrammes (250) $0.75 Enclosures Not permitted

Letter of the alphabet-post Rates

not over
Charge per unit
not over
mail service
not over
Letter of the alphabet-
1 $0.84 12 $8.05 44 $21.85
2 1.65 16 ix.75 48 23.65
three 2.40 20 11.45 52 25.50
4 three.xx 24 13.10 56 27.35
five four.00 28 14.80 60 29.20
6 iv.80 32 xvi.fifty 64 31.05
vii 5.60 36 xviii.30 blank blank
8 6.forty 40 xx.ten bare blank
Weight Limit: 64 ounces (4 lbs.)

Parcel Post Rates

non over
not over
Mail service
not over
Postal service
one $14.75 16 $51.40 31 $xc.90
two 16.35 17 54.00 32 93.55
3 18.20 18 56.65 33 96.twenty
iv 19 59.30 34 98.80
5 22.40 twenty 61.ninety 35 101.45
6 25.05 21 64.55 36 104.10
vii 27.65 22 67.xx 37 106.70
8 30.30 23 69.85 38 109.35
9 32.95 24 72.45 39 112.00
10 35.55 25 75.10 forty 114.lx
eleven 38.20 26 77.75 41 117.25
12 xl.85 27 eighty.35 42 119.90
13 43.50 28 83.00 43 122.55
fourteen 46.x 29 85.65 44 125.15
fifteen 48.75 30 88.25 blank blank
Weight Limit: 44 lbs.

Note: Ordinary air parcel post includes indemnity at no cost based on weight. For an item non over 1 pound, the indemnity is $62.84, and the indemnity increases $3.03 per pound or fraction up to a maximum of 70 pounds, which has an indemnity of $271.91. (Run across 280.)

Direct Sack to 1 Addressee - M-Bags (260)

Weight Not Over 11 lbs. $twoscore.70
Each additional pound or fraction of a pound $3.70

Weight Limit: 66 pounds

Global Priority Mail (GPM) (230) NOT Available

Economy Mail
Letter of the alphabet-post Rates

not over
not over
Alphabetic character-
not over
Charge per unit
16 $6.00 36 $10.60 56 $14.l
20 6.90 40 11.35 60 15.30
24 seven.85 44 12.fifteen 64 15.75
28 8.85 48 12.95 blank bare
32 9.eighty 52 13.75 blank blank
Weight Limit: 64 ounces (4 lbs.)

Economy Mail
Parcel Post Rates

not over
Postal service
Charge per unit
non over
non over
Charge per unit
v $21.25 19 $46.10 33 $67.55
6 23.20 20 47.85 34 69.05
vii 25.05 21 49.40 35 70.50
eight 26.xc 22 50.ninety 36 72.00
9 28.seventy 23 52.45 37 73.45
10 30.45 24 53.95 38 74.95
xi 32.20 25 55.50 39 76.40
12 33.95 26 57.00 40 77.ninety
13 35.70 27 58.55 41 79.35
xiv 37.40 28 60.10 42 fourscore.85
15 39.xv 29 61.60 43
16 40.ninety 30 63.15 44 83.80
17 42.65 31 64.60 blank bare
xviii 44.35 32 66.10 bare bare
Weight Limit: 44 lbs.

Annotation: Ordinary economy parcel mail includes indemnity at no cost based on weight. For an detail not over 1 pound, the indemnity is $62.84, and the indemnity increases $3.03 per pound or fraction up to a maximum of 70 pounds, which has an indemnity of $271.91. (See 280.)

Economy Mail
Direct Sack to 1 Addressee - Yard-Bags (260)

Weight Not Over xi lbs. $17.threescore
Each boosted pound or fraction of a pound $ane.60

Books & Sheet Music, Publisher's Periodicals
Weight Not Over 11 lbs. $11.55
Each additional pound or fraction of a pound $1.05

Weight Limit: 66 pounds

Economy Mail
Books and Canvas Music Rates (295)

non over


not over


non over


16 $3.35 36 $6.45 56 $9.05
twenty four.00 40 seven.00 60 9.55
24 iv.65 44 7.55 64 10.00
28 five.30 48 7.95 blank bare
32 5.95 52 8.50 bare blank
Notation: This is a bulk mail that is subject field to a minimum entry requirement of 200 pieces or fifty pounds of qualifying contents. Run into Function 295.
Weight Limit: 64 ounces (4 lbs.)

Matter for the Blind (270)
Free when sent as economy mail. Weight limit: 15 lbs.

Economy Post
Publishers' Periodicals Rates (294)

not over


not over


not over


1 $0.81 12 $2.73 44 $seven.48
two i.00 16 3.32 48 8.07
3 one.19 xx 3.92 52 viii.67
four ane.38 24 4.51 56 9.26
5 1.57 28 5.x 60 9.86
6 1.76 32 v.lxx 64 10.45
7 1.94 36 6.29 bare blank
viii 2.13 xl 6.89 bare blank
$0.25 per pound discount for drop shipments tendered at the New Jersey International and Bulk Mail Center.
Weight Limit: 64 ounces (four lbs.)

Special Services

Certificate of Mailing

Meet 313 for fees

COD and Certified Non

for International Mail

Insurance (320) NOT Bachelor

International Business organization Respond Service (373)
Fee: Envelopes up to 2 ounces $i.25; Cards $0.85

International Money Order (371)
Apply MO Class MP1
Maximum Amount Available:
$500 Fee: $three.45

International Reply Coupons (372) Fee: $1.85

Recorded Delivery (360) Non Bachelor

Registered Mail (330) Fee: $7.90
Maximum Indemnity: $44.86
Available for letter-post postal service, including postcards
and postal cards, aerogrammes, and matter for
the blind. Not applicable to Yard-bags.

Restricted Delivery (350) Fee: $iii.seventy
Available for registered postal service with a return receipt.

Endorsements: A entragar en propia mano.

Render Receipt (340) Fee : $1.85
Bachelor for registered postal service.

Global Express Guaranteed (210)

non over

non over

0.five $47.50 bare 36 $396.25 $412.00
1 54.75 $62.25 37 404.75 420.fifty
two 68.50 76.00 38 412.00 428.00
three 83.25 xc.75 39 419.l 435.25
4 98.00 105.50 40 425.75 441.75
5 111.75 119.00 41 433.25 449.00
6 125.fifty 132.75 42 440.l 456.l
7 138.00 145.50 43 448.00 463.75
8 150.75 158.00 44 455.25 471.25
9 164.50 171.75 45 462.75 478.fifty
10 174.00 186.50 46 470.00 486.00
11 184.50 197.00 47 476.l 492.25
12 195.00 207.75 48 483.75 499.50
13 205.fifty 218.25 49 491.25 507.00
14 216.00 228.75 50 503.75 519.50
15 225.50 241.25 51 511.25 525.00
xvi 235.00 250.75 52 518.50 532.25
17 243.50 259.25 53 526.00 539.75
18 250.75 266.75 54 533.25 547.00
nineteen 259.25 275.00 55 540.75 554.50
twenty 266.75 282.50 56 548.00 561.75
21 274.00 289.75 57 555.l 569.25
22 282.50 298.25 58 561.75 575.50
23 289.75 305.75 59 569.25 582.75
24 298.25 314.00 sixty 576.l 590.25
25 305.75 321.50 61 584.00 597.50
26 314.00 330.00 62 590.25 604.00
27 321.50 337.25 63 598.75 612.25
28 330.00 345.75 64 601.75 615.50
29 337.25 353.00 65 613.fifty 627.25
30 348.75 364.75 66 613.50 627.25
31 356.25 372.00 67 625.00 638.75
32 364.75 380.fifty 68 627.25 640.75
33 372.00 387.75 69 636.50 650.25
34 380.fifty 396.25 70 636.50 650.25
35 389.00 404.75 bare blank blank
Weight Limit: 70 lbs.

Insurance (215.5)

Insured Amount
non over

Insured Amount
not over

$100 No Fee For document reconstruction insurance or non-certificate insurance coverage in a higher place $800, add $0.75 per $100 or fraction thereof, up to a maximum of $2,499 per shipment.
200 $0.75
300 ane.50
400 2.25
500 three.00
600 3.75
700 4.fifty blank blank
800 five.25 $2,499 max. $18.00

Size Limits (217.4)
An item must be large enough to hold on its face the postage
and the plastic pouch that carries the Global Express
Guaranteed Air Waybill/Shipping Invoice (shipping label).
The shipping characterization is approximately five.5 inches high and
9.v inches long, and the plastic pouch that carries it is
approximately 7 inches loftier and 12 inches long.
Maximum length: 46 inches
Maximum width: 35 inches
Maximum height: 46 inches
Maximum length and girth combined: 108 inches

General Conditions for Mailing

See Publication 141, Global Express Guaranteed Service Guide, for information about areas served in the destination country, allowable contents, packaging and labeling requirements, tracking and tracing, service standards, and other conditions for mailing.

Global Express Postal service (EMS) (220)

not over


non over


not over


0.5 $23.50 15 $84.30 thirty $147.55
1 26.ten 16 88.55 31 151.lxxx
2 29.l 17 92.75 32 156.00
3 33.75 18 96.95 33 160.20
4 37.95 19 101.20 blank blank
5 42.15 20 105.twoscore bare bare
6 46.40 21 109.60 bare blank
7 50.60 22 113.85 blank blank
8 54.80 23 118.05 blank blank
nine 59.00 24 122.25 blank blank
10 63.25 25 126.50 blank bare
xi 67.45 26 130.lxx blank blank
12 71.65 27 134.90 blank blank
13 75.xc 28 139.15 blank bare
14 lxxx.10 29 143.35 bare blank
Weight Limit: 33 lbs.

Insurance (221.3)
Available for European monetary system merchandise shipments only

Insured Amount
not over

Insured Amount
not over

$100 No Fee For insurance coverage above $600, add $ane.05 for each $100 or fraction thereof, upward to a maximum of $5000 per shipment.
200 $1.05
300 2.x
400 iii.15
500 4.20
600 v.25 $5000 max. $51.45
Manufactures Admitted Required Customs
Correspondence and concern papers. PS Form 2976, Customs - CN 22 (Old C one) and Sender's Declaration (greenish characterization). Endorse item clearly next to mailing characterization as BUSINESS PAPERS.
Merchandise samples without commercial value. PS Form 2976, Customs - CN 22 (Old C 1) and Sender's Declaration (green label).
Merchandise and all articles subject to customs duty. PS Class 2976-A, Customs Declaration and Acceleration Note CP 72, inside a PS Form 2976-Due east, Community Announcement Envelope CP 91.

Size Limits (223.2)
Maximum length: 36 inches
Maximum length and girth combined: 79 inches

Return Receipt Service (221.four): Not Available


Coins; banknotes; currency notes, including paper coin; securities of whatever kind payable to bearer; traveler'due south checks; platinum, gold, and silver; precious stones; jewelry; watches; and other valuable manufactures are prohibited in EMS shipments to Republic of el salvador.

Reciprocal Service Name: EMS

Country Code: SV

Areas Served:

La Matrimony
Nueva San Salvador
San Francisco Gotera
San Miguel
San Salvador
San Vincente
Santa Ana
Santa Rosa de Lina
Santa Tecla

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